Pro Q & A with Rebecca Addison

Rebecca Addison, a University of Michigan graduate, will make her road Mile debut at the Medtronic TC 1 Mile on thursday evening, May 14. Recently, we asked Addison some questions about her running and learned that one of her goals is to run as fast as her mother did!
From Twin Cities In Motion
What's your goal for the Medtronic TC 1 Mile?
It’s my first road Mile, so I am excited to just practice competing and not worry about laps.
What is your favorite speed workout when you're training for the Mile?
A workout that is really challenging but makes me feel ready to race a good Mile is sets of 400, 300, 200.
What advice do you have for citizen runners training to run fast for the Mile?
I would say to do some longer base runs but also some workouts that make your legs burn.
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