Track Debate: Mile or 1600?

The magic of the Mile apparently will never go away, and some coaches and runners want the 1600 to change back to the Mile, which is slightly longer.
By Steve Brand,
In his career, Steve Scott ran a record 137 sub-4 minute Miles. Chances are, no one will ever break that mark and the former U.S. record holder said that's one of the reasons track is dying worldwide.
"People can relate to a sub-4 minute Mile," said Scott, now the track and cross country coach at Cal State San Marcos, 30 miles north of San Diego. "Most people have no idea what a really fast 100 meter time is and the pole vault, they just don't know a good mark.
"But the Mile, everyone knows."
Scott says to bring life back into track & field in this country and worldwide, the Mile should be reintroduced, starting at the high school level where in the history of the event, only five runners have ever cracked the magical barrier before starting college.
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