I Did It: A Mile Per Day

Exercise is a promise that isn't easy to keep. It is sometimes glorious, sometimes hideous, but always valuable.
By Liz Margolies, The Huffington Post
The evil NYC winter finally departed and it took my excuses with it, leaving me sitting at home, still lazy, flabby and tired. I was moved mentally, if not physically, however, by two recent news stories.
One study, reported in the New York Times, found that taking a walk dramatically boosted creativity. Walking is instantaneous and acute in its effect on the mind and even a short one will do the trick. The second article was about people who lived past 90-years-old. Researchers found that exercising as little as 15 minutes a day made a difference in their longevity.
I would like to be both creative and very old, and I am willing to cough up 15 minutes each day to make that happen. So, I decided to walk one Mile per day, rain or shine, early or late, in sickness and in health, like it or not. To make it easy, I would not change my clothes or shoes for the walk; my only equipment would be my cell phone, where I downloaded an app called Map My Walk that keeps track of distance and time.
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