Hopping into the record books

Peter Nestler shatters Guinness World Record for fastest Mile while hopping on one foot.
By David Sickels, Eastern Medina Post editor
Maybe you’re involved in a high-stress hopscotch match. Maybe “Simon” made his demands and you followed them with pride. Maybe you stepped in goo. But it’s pretty rare that you might be making an attempt at a world record.
Peter Nestler, an Oklahoma native, came to the Highland track May 29 to have a go at his seventh Guinness World Record: completing the fastest Mile while hopping on one foot. The professional jump roper and motivational speaker shattered the previous record of 23 minutes, 15 seconds set in June 2012 by finishing in 18 minutes, 25 seconds.
According to Guinness rules, in order for the attempt to count the hopper must stay on one leg for the entire duration of the attempt. Nestler could not ever touch the other foot to the ground, although he was allowed to stop to rest whenever he wanted while the clock was ticking.
Nestler said he began training last August to complete the feat.
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