Everything Has Changed and Yet Nothing Has Changed at All

"While I may have struck out with the shoe companies, I seem to have hit a home run with a community that as just as dear to my heart!"
By Brandon Hudgins, Be You Be Real Blog
The last few weeks have been a hell of a roller coaster to say the very least. Basically a microcosm of my life in just a few weeks. The photo above was taken mere moments after my first sub 4 minute Mile. I was elated but that look is full of so many emotions; I can see my thoughts in that picture. The gravity of the situation still not having set in.
On Friday, August 7th 2015, I finally became a Sub 4 minute Miler by finishing 5th in a time of 3:59.67 at the Sir Walter Miler in Raleigh, NC. I can now say looking back that Friday night August 7th, 2015 was one of the best nights of my entire life. Not only did I break 4 minutes after all the struggles my life has held, but I got to do it in front of my parents, girlfriend, and so many friends. For those few hours that night I was on cloud 9! All the Miles, the struggles, the highs, the depression, and the anxiety was worth it.
The next few days were absolutely overwhelming with the out pour of messages and feedback from social media, emails, texts, phone calls, high fives and congratulations. All this lead to such a feeling of triumph that I hadn't experienced in my life yet. That night I finally felt like everything had changed. I thought my moment was here and it was here to stay. I felt lighter and more confident than I ever remember feeling, the this picture below says it all!
Continue reading at: bhudgnasty.blogspot.com