3 Tips for Racing a Mile from Heather Kampf

Queen of the Road Mile shares her wisdom and training advice
By Nathan Freeburg, Minneapolis Running
It all starts with one Mile! Heather Kampf is a decorated runner with a hard-to-believe 24 road Mile wins since 2011 as well the defending Medtronic TC 1 Mile champion. Recently, we sat down for a video chat to talk all things running, goal-setting pointers, plus tips for racing a Mile.
Heather runs and trains with Team USA Minnesota, the professional distance training program. The three-peat Bring Back the Mile Grand Prix Tour champion is also sponsored by ASICS and Nuun Hydration. Heather also works part-time at Mill City Running, a fantastic running specialty shop in Minneapolis.
Heather holds numerous records and accolades and was a nine-time All-American at the University of Minnesota, where she was the highest decorated Gopher women’s track athlete. Heather is also a 4-time USA 1 Mile Road champion (2012, 2014-16).
Heather is also incredibly positive, as you’ll see in the recording. Every time we talk, she has a way of seeing the bright side of any situation.
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