With Apologies to Roger Bannister

Record reporter’s bid to challenge famous runner’s achievements starts — and ends badly
By Greg Mercer, The Record
CAMBRIDGE, Ontario, Canada — I really, really hope the ghost of Roger Bannister wasn't watching this one.
On Friday night, I was to run the first competitive race of my life at the Cambridge Classic Mile on the old cinder track at Galt Collegiate Institute. It was to be an epic display of athleticism, a race for the ages that may have opened doors to a lucrative career in track in field.
At least, that's how it was playing out in my head.
I had agreed to run a one-Mile race against my better judgment, after interviewing organizer John Carson for a story on the Cambridge Mile for the newspaper. Not to worry, Carson assured me, the Social Media Mile was a fun, promotional thing. Nothing could go wrong.
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