Why You Need to Participate in the Manzano Mile in 2014

By Leah Fisher Nyfeler, Austin Fit Magazine
I confess: The thought of running at an all-comers track meet had me scared to death. I’ve never been in a track meet, although I cheered my son on enthusiastically when he was in middle school (he ran hurdles) and then again when he ran cross country in high school. Me? I’d never even done a road run until I was in college, and I didn’t start seriously running until I was in my late thirties. A track meet? Come on—those people are FAST and, like, EVERYBODY is watching you. No thanks.
Over the years, many of my friends tried to tell me differently. It’s fun; there are people of all abilities; trust, me—no one will make fun of you. I chose not to believe them. It wasn’t until Leo Manzano looked me in the eye and said, “It’s just a 400; come out and do the Relay,” that I screwed up the courage to participate in the Manzano Mile. And even then, I was still scared to death.
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