Training for a Monumental Mile

What do you think of my plan of attack?
By Ted Spiker, Runner's World
The way I feel about training plans is the way I feel about toenails. My own? I want to look them, pick at them, fiddle with them, talk about them, leave them on the living room table, even reminisce about ones long gone. But someone else’s?
Ew. Cover that funk up.
But I have a favor, running friends. I’d like you to look at my toenails.
In my new quest (#RWTurkeyTimeTrial) to run a #FFFM (#freakyfastforme) Mile time, I have developed a plan that I think will get me there. But I’m not sure.
I’ve come to believe that a plan should have a first draft, which is then revised based on the collective wisdom of peers and takes into account not just what will work physiologically, but also mentally. So without getting too deep into the minutiae of training, I’ll give you my main data points. If you can, I’d appreciate if you could give this a quick clip, buff, and polish.
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