Should U.S. schools fight obesity by requiring kids to run a Mile daily?

The success of the daily Mile has inspired schools in London, Gateshead, Wales and other areas of Scotland to also launch the initiative this year.
By Michelle Stein, Baby Center Blog
When I was in grade school, students were expected to run a timed Mile as part of our regular assessment in gym class. This happened about twice per year, if I’m remembering correctly.
But what if schools required students to run 1 Mile every single day?
Crazily enough, kids at St. Ninians primary school in Stirling, Scotland, have been participating in the “daily Mile” initiative for three-and-a-half years now. And it’s had amazing results — both in the health and fitness of the students and in their levels of concentration.
“It’s a commonsense approach to children’s fitness, which is free and easy. The most important thing is that the children really enjoy it, otherwise you couldn’t sustain it,” Elaine Wyllie, headteacher of St. Ninians, told The Guardian. “They come back in bright-eyed and rosy-cheeked, how children used to look. It’s joyous to see.”
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