Senior Athletes: Going the Distance

"To this day, Lee, I'm the only man in the world who's run a 10-minute Mile after age 90. And I'm the only man in the world who has run a 15-minute Mile after age 95. I'm bragging, aren't I?"
By Lee Cowan, CBS News
If you're sitting on your couch, maybe after an extra waffle or two, and you haven't worked out in a while, this story may make you feel a little inadequate. But it may also inspire you -- after all, how could you NOT be inspired by someone like Dottie Gray.
On the day of her race, she was 90 years old -- says so, right on her leg.
"I race about 50 times a year, 50 runs," she said.
When Cowan caught up with her, she was competing in the World Senior Games in Southern Utah. Over the years she's more than once ended up being the fastest runner in her age group -- fastest in the world, that is....
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