Santa Clarita Students to Run Last Mile of the Final Mile Challenge

More than 1,600 Santa Clarita Valley students will run the last Mile of the Final Mile Challenge on Sunday, November 8.
By KHTS Newsroom
The 2015 Final Mile Challenge, presented by Kaiser Permanente, will conclude on Sunday, November 8, when more than 1,600 students from five Santa Clarita schools will run the last Mile of their 26.2 mile goal at the Santa Clarita Marathon, presented by Parkway Motorcars. The Final Mile Challenge is geared to encourage students to set a goal, make it happen and finish what they started. While training to run the final Mile, the program encourages students to exercise and form healthy eating habits.
During the first months of school, students must complete all 25 training Miles before being invited to run the final Mile of the Santa Clarita Marathon. Upon completion of the 25 Miles, students receive a Final Mile Challenge t-shirt to wear on race day and as they cross the official Santa Clarita Marathon finish line, they are awarded a Final Mile Challenge finisher’s medal.
Leading up to the race, several schools hosted program rallies where doctors from Kaiser Permanente gave presentations about the program, training for the run and also taught students about the importance of making healthy choices.
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