Mile News

Roger Bannister, Chris Chataway, Ulick O’Connor in “A Life Unexpected” Teaser Reel

May 18, 2012

"A Life Unexpected" is a new documentary about the life of world-renowned Athletics Coach and Dunera Boy, Franz Stampfl - who produced more than 300 Olympians, World Champions and National Champions from more than 14 countries during his 50 year career, including coaching Roger Bannister to break the 4 minute Mile in 1954 (the first man).

This teaser features highlights from interviews filmed in Oxford UK, Dublin Ireland and Vienna Austria in November 2011 - our first phase of filming for the project. Interviewees featured in this, our European shoot teaser include: Sir Roger Bannister, Sir Christopher Chataway, Ulick O'Connor and members of the Stampfl family.

Visit the film's website:

Tags: roger bannister (176) , franz stampfl (4) , christopher chataway (1) , a life unexpected (1)

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