Rio Olympic hopeful Kate Grace is faster than ever

“I have to go all in. I have to be unapologetic about having goals and wanting them."
By Adelle Jackson-Gibson, Excelle Sports
Four years ago we might not have been professional athletes, but we had all the aspirations in the world — some larger than others of course. One summer at Yale, Kate Grace was training to be the fastest runner in the NCAA, while I was running so I wouldn’t die in my fitness test come soccer season. Living with Grace lit a fire under my feet and I fed off of her desire. Conversely, my contribution to her meant that I would sometimes let her pick from my salads.
Some mornings we would go pool jogging for non-impact cardio. Grace would tape an iPod to her baseball hat. I copied her and pasted mine to a shower cap. We found that America’s Top 40 would break up the monotony of all the hours spent in the water.
Grace would often spend her evenings bent over a notebook planning, dreaming. “How can I make professional running work?” she asked. That wasn’t a common thought among soon-to-graduate Yalies, but if anyone could do it, I believed she could.
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