Pursuit of desired Mile time pays great dividends

I know that I can get that Mile time and will soon be able to do it. I won’t quit trying until I get it.
By David Bereck, The Intelligencer
The last lap can sometimes be the hardest, but for me it’s kind of a relief.
These past two weeks have been preseason for soccer at my new school, Plumstead Christian. I have never really been the kind of person to be able to run long distances without stopping, and would consider myself more of a sprinter. In addition to my lack of running experience, my allergies were at their worst during this time, and I could not breathe out of my nose at all.
At the beginning of the week, much to my chagrin, it was over 90 degrees, and we were required to run a Mile. My time was 8 minutes and 19 seconds. This was a real problem because in order to get a chance to be on varsity, I had to be able to run a 6-minute, 30-second Mile.
This was my goal time. I really wanted to be on varsity, so I trained my hardest, and even when I didn’t feel like going any farther, I did.
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