Perth and Kinross schools taking up the Daily Mile challenge

“The pupils love it. They say they feel fit, healthy, love been outdoors and able to focus in class more. A big success for us!”
By Iain Howie, The Daily Record
Pupils at a growing number of Perth and Kinross primary schools are getting a healthy start in life, the Perthshire Advertiser has found.
The Daily Mile, a simple, but massively popular well-being routine, has been introduced at nearly a third of the area’s primary schools - and more are considering taking it up.
It involves pupils taking around 15 minutes out of class to walk, jog or run a Mile around their playgrounds, sports facilities or nearby areas, each day.
As well as helping their fitness, it can also help pupils’ engagement and attainment in classes, boosting friendships and confidence too - and it is also a chance to take learning outside.
Thousands of youngsters from Invergowrie to Braco have been out in all weathers to take on the daily challenge, with staff and parents also reporting to the Perthshire Advertiser they are seeing and feeling the difference themselves.
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