Milwaukee Running Festival Mile Recap

When the gun for the Mile race went off I was briefly in the lead before I realized I am slow and it is almost impossible to convince a marathoner’s legs to run that hard for that long.
By Dane Rauschenberg, See Dane Run
Race: Milwaukee Running Festival
Place: Milwaukee, WI
Miles from home: 2063
Weather: 50Fs, dry, sunny
Taking on inaugural events is usually a mixed bag of happenings. It is exciting to be on-hand for the "first" of a running event. However, being the guinea pig for something in which you are also testing yourself physically can leave you hung out to dry. I have experienced both the pros and cons of being involved with inaugural races in the past and as such am more selective with those I involve myself and my legs with these days.
Yet, with this race I knew I would probably be in good hands. The race director Chris Ponteri is not only himself a sub-3 hour marathoner but also the RD of the wildly popular Icebreaker Indoor Marathon held in Milwaukee in January. I have heard rave reviews about this race from trusted friends and assumed that expertise from Chris in that race would carry over to this one as well.
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