Miles to Go Before They Sleep…

...and a promise to keep in Cleveland. Eamonn Coghlan and Steve Scott raced in San Diego, then flew all night to meet again
By Kenny Moore, Sports Illustrated
Eamonn Coghlan (3:50.6) and Steve Scott (3:51.8) are the two fastest indoor Milers in history. They hadn't met indoors for two years, but last Friday, as the gun sounded to begin the Mile at the Michelob Invitational track meet in San Diego's Sports Arena, just one look was all it took to make it clear that this race would produce no new record. Scott eyed Coghlan. Coghlan glanced at Scott. "And we kind of walked off the line," said Scott. Pacesetter Joe Fabris cleared out on his way to a first 440 of 58.5. Coghlan and Scott were last and next to last, respectively, at 60.0.
Todd Harbour of the Santa Monica Track Club was running second, followed by Dr. Thomas Wessinghage, the European 5000 meter champion, Jay Woods of BYU, Scott and Coghlan. Passing the 880 mark in 1:58.2, the bearded Fabris had 30 yards on this remarkably timid field. "I tried not to entertain thoughts of running away with the race," Fabris said. "I knew they'd be coming back at me."
They weren't yet. Woods went to second. Behind him Scott ran carefully, keeping his attention fixed on his right flank, from where any Coghlan move would have to come. For his part, Coghlan seemed in a kinesthetic trance, absorbed in the rhythm of Scott's heels.
Woods led them past Fabris at the three-quarters in 2:59.0. Scott, his eagerness showing, ran too close to Woods and caught a spike in his right shin. He didn't feel it. He didn't hear the split called. He didn't care about it. This was not a race for fast times. This was for honor.
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