Miler Sarah Brown announces newest Team New Balance member

"I already have the Olympic standard and am qualified for the Trials in 2016. This alone is enough motivation to get to the line ready to compete for a spot on the toughest team in the world to make. Only this time, I will have one more fan cheering me on."
By Sarah Brown, BTeamRunning
Hello world, my name is Sarah Brown and I’m pregnant. Wait…what? Pregnant? Did I just say that? The answer is yes, yes I did. If you know me, I am sure your mind is filling with endless questions. One of which is undoubtedly, ‘Why would one of America’s top 1500m runners decide to have a baby leading into arguably the biggest year in a track athlete’s career, an Olympic year?’ Well, the answer is actually quite simple. I didn’t.
I had a copper IUD. For those of you that have never heard of an IUD, it’s an intra-uterine device used for birth control. It is over 99% effective. It is the most effective form of birth control behind abstinence. I think you know where this is leading. I am the less then 1%. I am pregnant.
I would like to take this minute to point out that I used the words “had an IUD” purposely. Getting pregnant on an IUD comes with many complications. First, you have the fear that the pregnancy is ectopic, meaning outside the uterus. This is very dangerous and can be life-threatening if left untreated. Second, if the pregnancy is viable, then you must decide whether to remove the IUD or leave it in. Both carry risks of miscarriage. My husband Darren and I decided to take the risk early on and have the IUD removed once we learned that my pregnancy was viable. We felt this gave us the best chance of having a successful pregnancy from that point forward.
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