Michigan Mile: Lessons Learned

The worst part of this race was how I felt afterwards.
From Macklin Chaffee's blog
This race was a self-inflicted mental catastrophe. The one positive I take from this race was that I really do feel like I had the chance to win the race this day. But as it was I got 5th. Let’s see how it played out…
The first note of importance is that Michigan Mile at the Crim Festival of Races was a seasonal add-on race 2 weeks after what was always supposed to be the grand finale in Pittsburgh at the GNC Live Well Liberty Mile. In fact, for 6 months I had planned a celebratory trip to Bethany Beach in Delaware with good group of Williams classmates the day after Pittsburgh. It’s probably the least training-friendly week of the year minus New Years with the same crew. So for about a week I did very little running, a LOT of beach volleyball, a lot of sweating which was sustained through beer and very little re-hydration.
After that it was back to Cleveland for a few days of sleep, and a tuneup workout before a trip up to Flint, MI for the Michigan Mile!
I was supposed to head up the night before with my buddy Tony but when that got postponed to the following morning I learned my first lesson: waking up in my own bed in Cleveland the day of a race does NOT put me in the right frame of mind to compete. I struggle just to run mileage back home for vacations and whatnot, let alone get the eye of the tiger. Plus, I was in my sister’s lavender room. Horses, frilly lace, and soft colors everywhere. Doesn’t exactly elicit the kind of animal aggression I need going into a competition. NOTED.
Continue reading at: http://macklinchaffee.com