Mercury Mile springs back with a new twist

The Mile’s location changes every week but will be hosted by a different business or organization each time; a Fit for Life local event
By Michilea Patterson, The Mercury
POTTSTOWN, Pa. - Spring brings warmer weather, blooming flowers and the return of The Mercury Mile.
Last year, the weekly lunchtime walk traveled a total of 25 miles which was short just one Mile of reaching marathon status. Now it’s back, ready to reach that milestone with a kickoff walking event noon Wednesday at the Smith Family Plaza. The plaza is located at 100 E. High St. next to Borough Hall.
Invite friends, family and co-workers to join this outdoor community exercise. Pets are welcome also. Take 20 minutes of your day to get some fresh air, relieve stress with a light exercise and socialize with neighbors.
The Mercury Mile began last May as a way to promote walking as a free exercise but this year’s return includes a few changes. Participants that walk the Mile will also have the opportunity to do some business networking.
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