Kathy Kinane: Sharing the benefits of running, one step at a time

With the inaugural Tri-City Medical Center Senior Festival of Miles, "We have created an all-day senior experience on Wednesday (Nov. 23), the day before Thanksgiving, for folks over 60."
By Lisa Deaderick, San Diego Union-Tribune
Kathy Kinane was a runner in high school before going on to coach other women in running at UC Santa Barbara, qualifying for the inaugural women’s Olympic Marathon Trials in 1984 and getting a Master’s degree in exercise science.
"My family had a history of hypertension and cardiovascular disease, and I struggled with depression. As a teenager, running brought me peace, good health, relaxation and feelings of elation," she says. "I wanted to share that with others."
Today, she’s the president of her own company, Kinane Events, which plans large-scale participatory events, like the upcoming Pacific Marine Credit Union O’side Turkey Trot on Nov. 24 in Oceanside. This 10K and 5K run / walk event attracted 9,000 participants last year and was included in a list of “top trots” in 2014 by Runner’s World.
Kinane, 58, lives in Carlsbad with her life partner, Gary Nessim. She took some time to talk about the upcoming Thanksgiving Day run (osideturkeytrot.com), her role as executive director of the Move Your Feet Before You Eat Foundation and completing her first triathlon two years ago at the age of 56.
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