How they train: Chris O’Hare

Last year saw a big breakthrough for the Scottish runner who set national 1500 and Mile records
By David Lowes, Athletics Weekly
Chris O’Hare started his running when at primary school and says: “My older brother Ryan is three years older than me and so I wanted to do everything that he did and that meant going to the then City of Edinburgh running club.
“I ran in a few races and my parents recognised that I had some talent and took me to my first coach, Charlie Russell in Peebles, who I was with for around a year before moving on to Dave Campbell in Edinburgh and I was with him until I left for Tulsa University.”
As a youngster O’Hare used to train every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday, but as he grew older easy running was introduced on the other days of the week. He now runs twice a day every day apart from a Wednesday, which is his easy day and amounts to just one run, and Sunday when he does his long run.
Since enrolling at Tulsa University in 2010 his training has progressed through an increase in mileage and an increase in volume for his workouts.
The 23-year-old, who has been building up his medal collection at national level over the last decade, had a major breakthrough in 2013 when he broke the U.S. NCAA collegiate record as well as the Scottish 1500m and Mile indoor records at the Millrose Games in New York (3:37.25 for 1500m and 3:52.98 for the mile). This was just the beginning, though, as he then clocked a fine 3:35.37 in Oordegem and made the World Championship final in Moscow.
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