Harrisburg Mile set for Wednesday

By Kelly Leighton, PennLive.com
Nearly 2,000 participants on Wednesday will make their way from the Governor's Mansion to the Harvey Taylor Bridge in Harrisburg.
The Harrisburg Mile, in its 32nd year, takes over the one-mile stretch on Front Street each summer on a typically hot and humid Wednesday night. The event attracts everyone from elite runners to casual walkers, and the runners of all levels in between.
“This race is for everyone. Young, old, fast or slow, the Harrisburg Mile is a race everyone can participate in. Everyone can run or walk a mile and what better way to do it than down the middle of Front Street? It's a very unique event that allows us to close down the road for the evening” said Andy Wahila, in his second year as the race director for the event
Wahila said the mile will have 14 different heats, each beginning 10 minutes apart. “There are a lot of moving parts to keep track of. Having great volunteers year after year is the only way this race is such a huge success and a staple race in the Harrisburg Area. Without them, we would not have a race each year” he said.
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