Galen Rupp Targets Indoor Mile World Record

2012 Olympic silver medalist looks to break 3:48.45 on February 15 in Boston
By Ken Goe, The Oregonian
Galen Rupp of the Nike Oregon Project has targeted the world record for the indoor Mile at Boston University on Feb. 15 according to his coach Alberto Salazar.
Hicham El Guerrouj set the record of 3 minutes, 48.45 seconds in 1997.
The U.S. record of 3:49.89, held by Bernard Lagat since 2005, also is in play. But the thinking inside the Oregon Project, Salazar said, is why not aim high?
"I can't predict Galen will break the world record, but we're not going to put all that work out there for 3:49," Salazar said. "He might as well go for it."
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