Fraser Sets Colorado Open State Mile Record

Altitude adjusted time equates to a 3:58.17 Mile
By Sarah Kuta, Colorado Daily
A runner from Boulder, Colo. broke the state record in the Mile over the weekend.
Rory Fraser completed the race in 4:03.99 at the St. Vrain Invitational track meet, held at Longmont High School.
It was a high school event, but organizers invited elite athletes for a chance to break the 4-minute barrier in the Mile. Officials used the NCAA’s convertor tool that accounts for elevation changes and when that was factored in, Fraser’s time was 3:58.17.
Fraser was given $2,500 for his performance, and he donated half to the Lyons and Longmont High Schools.
The previous Colorado record, set in 1976 by Ted Castaneda, was 4:04.86.
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