Four Runners Go Sub-4 at Blue Shoes Mile

Leslie sets meet and State record in 3:56.18; Gregson clocks women's State record in 4:40.92
By Mike Foley, Greenville Online
GREENVILLE, S.C. - A timely sprint on the last lap of the elite Blue Shoes Mile Saturday at Furman University led four men under the vaunted 4-minute Mile barrier.
The timeliness of that sprint, however, was overshadowed by the untimeliness of the entire meet which began at 10:00am and finished a full three hours behind schedule, with darkness obscuring the track as the last event of the day unfolded.
A long day, however, was not enough to diminish the efforts of the men’s Mile field. Three members of Furman Elite — a group of professional runners who live and train in Greenville under the tutelage of Furman coach Robert Gary — along with South Carolina native Matt Elliott of Green Sea, all broke four minutes. Cory Leslie won in 3:56.18, a State record.
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