East High School wins 31st SwedishAmerican State Street Mile High School Challenge

The race is a fast, downhill point-to-point course that took place in Rockford, Illinois on August 1. The high school that had the most registered and participating students, staff and faculty were awarded with a $1000 prize for their athletic department.
By Joseph Edwards, WREX
Organizers for the 31st SwedishAmerican State Street Mile, which was held on Aug. 1, announced the winner of the $1000 High School Challenge: East High School.
East High School had 26 runners participate in the race, beating our Harlem and Auburn high schools, who were tied for second. The State Street Mile committee will present a check to East High School during a football game on Friday, Sept. 11.
The committee created the High School Challenge to honor and celebrate local students. Area high schools were encouraged to have students, staff and faculty participate in the State Street Mile, with the school most represented eligible to win $1000 for the school's athletic department.
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