Danny Cohen’s Cross Country success began in 3rd grade with the Mile

“It kind of started in third grade, when we did the gym Mile run and I thought it was really fun and I did well, so that summer, I went up to the field we did the mile run on and I did the Mile every single day.”
By Jonah L. Rosenblum, The Cleveland Jewish News
Last season, Solon cross-country runner Danny Cohen went into the Division I state tournament hoping for a top 16 finish.
He finished sixth, 13.03 seconds behind state champion Michael Vitucci, who now runs for the University of Cincinnati.
“It really changed my way of thinking about running,” Cohen said. “It’s kind of scary, but it’s very exhilarating too. That was kind of my motivation for a lot of the summer workouts. What am I going to do to push myself to be able to become a state champion?”
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