Bring Back the Mile

By The Sporting Maniac
I grew up on a farm in Indiana and one of the things that I loved the most was that almost all of the country roads are in one Mile increments. This made it great when running or biking and it was awesome for giving directions to someplace. You always knew how far things were apart.
When I got into high school and joined the track team I became a distance runner and did the 1600 meters and 3200 meters. Not the Mile and two Mile. Meters. The difference is not a lot but it is still different.
No big deal, you say? Well, think about this: Our cars measure speed and distance in Miles. MapQuest/GoogleMaps/etc. all tell us how to get someplace in Miles. Highway signs tell us how far we have to go . . . in Miles. Our Garmin watches measure how far we run in . . . wait for it . . . Miles!
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