Morgan Uceny Visits Lincoln and Riverside Cross Country Team

By Plymouth Community School Corporation
On Friday, September 21, 2012, Morgan Uceny surprised the Lincoln and Riverside Cross Country Team. As the team got off the bus in Centennial Park for practice, Morgan was sitting at a picnic table waiting for the team. She sat with the team and answered questions.
Here are some of the questions. "Did you ever feel sick to your stomach before a race?" "How were you able to keep running when practices got tough?" "What do you think about runners who are disqualified for doing drugs?" "What are your practices like?" "What is it like to stand at the starting line with a lot of cameras in your face?" "What is the longest distance you have ran?"
Many of the runners ran the next day at the Culver Academies with Morgan's autograph on their running shoes. Before leaving, Morgan posed for a group photo with the team.
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